Farmer's Daughter


Well-known member
Out in Half Moon Bay today. Great weather and yellow oxalis on the hillsides. We were by the Airport and the Farmer's Daughter stand. Two pastels both 11.5x9.5", tree on Wine PastelMat and farm on Sand PastelMat. B. Charlow 2023
Farmer's Daughter tree Feb 23.jpg
Farmer's Daughter farm Feb 23.jpg
The second is my favorite, by far! Colors are wonderful, the diagonals make that sense of depth. Well done.
Both of these are lovely, Bart! The second one is dynamite with all those leading lines - they create a wonderful visual punch, and your mountains are beautiful.

I like your tree, but it feels a bit crowded on the top to me. I'm not doubting that the tree spreads out in this horizontal fashion; just find myself wishing there was a little more breathing room on the top to showcase the spread.

Just my two cents. :)
My initial thought and visual impression was described by a word: explosion ! Perhaps better marked in the second piece, a bit more confused in the first one.
The second seems more elaborate, nevertheless it shows a much bigger scene in comparison to the first, where a tree alone is shown (with the blue sky as background).
Terri, the tree didn't quite come out and had a better beginning than ending. These "rock pines" are very horizontal in their foliage, sometimes nicknamed "umbrella pines", some variant of Monterey Cypress I imagine. Although truer to overall form than you imagine, I should have worked at the foliage differently. Classic, it does and did in life look like an outward explosion of foliage with a flattened top. That's their native form. But the tree ended up a near miss for me.

Oddly, the farm scene turned out "sweet", rather than sophisticated, but the composition and colors do work as intended. Wish I'd had a colored ground 20x10" PastelMat to start with, as that would have done the intended composition better. But this one did work, even if it lacked something more substantive.

As you'll note, I do like vignetting and that part worked exactly as intended in the farm painting.

Both are from life, BTW. Yellow oxalis on the hillsides, colors and lines, even if I did take artistic license on placement a bit.
I missed these somehow. I like both but the farm is the favorite. Good for you to be out and about!
I missed these too! And I love both of them. Really like the sense of scale of the tree - and those lovely blues! I really like the way the branches spread it out, it makes it look huge - and I love huge trees! The second is delightful, I just love all those leading diagonals. 🙂