Expressionism vs Impressionism

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A recent comment by a member made me decide to start this thread.
I’m sure that the issue has been discussed before. Nevertheless, here we go again….
I personally am attracted to expressionism where for the most part “correct” drawing, “correct” values, softening vs emphasizing outlines, placing the “right” color next to another “right” color, balancing the composition and making sure that the light source is correctly adhered to, are all abandoned on purpose. In other words almost all the learned “tools” applicable to realism are thrown away. Different strokes for different folks.
It’d be interesting to have opinions and preferences of other members.
Here’s a Singer Sargent:


And a Soutine up above it.
I’ll take the Soutine anytime.
View attachment 12710A recent comment by a member made me decide to start this thread.
I’m sure that the issue has been discussed before. Nevertheless, here we go again….
I personally am attracted to expressionism where for the most part “correct” drawing, “correct” values, softening vs emphasizing outlines, placing the “right” color next to another “right” color, balancing the composition and making sure that the light source is correctly adhered to, are all abandoned on purpose. In other words almost all the learned “tools” applicable to realism are thrown away. Different strokes for different folks.
It’d be interesting to have opinions and preferences of other members.
Here’s a Singer Sargent:

View attachment 12709

And a Soutine up above it.
I’ll take the Soutine anytime.
Hi Nufocus, I know what you mean and I agree that rules are made to be broken..... but I like Both. Each for their own merits.
I would happily hange both at home if I was a wealthy type. I can explore the Soutine and its emotional depths, but I can also just feel myself relaxing into that SS scene. The techniques in my optinion are sublime in both - each for their own values... no pun intended.
Both artists are favorites of mine, but I think of Soutine and cohorts more often and feel a closer connection to them than the great Sargent.
In the Soutine the mother seems to have a “screwed up” left eye, the baby she holds is way too big, his head is big completely out of proportion with his body, his hands are clumsily drawn, we are not sure what the mother is sitting on….. both seem to suffer from yellow fever…. the background (interior?) is made up of angry strokes. Oh crap….. this is NOT what we were taught by our art teachers at school. Yet, it’s a fu…g amazing painting!
In the Soutine the mother seems to have a “screwed up” left eye, the baby she holds is way too big, his head is big completely out of proportion with his body, his hands are clumsily drawn, we are not sure what the mother is sitting on….. both seem to suffer from yellow fever…. the background (interior?) is made up of angry strokes. Oh crap….. this is NOT what we were taught by our art teachers at school. Yet, it’s a fu…g amazing painting!

I LOVE how F'ed up it looks! That's what's great about it. I mean, I love both paintings, but the Soutine blows the Sargent out of the ocean. I think the closer art is to realism, the less likely I'll be attracted to it. Not saying it's not "art." It just won't impress me. I want to see a different reality. Not the one I already live in.
It's a matter of personal taste, IMHO. I like both artists and both paintings for different reasons. But you did pick on the two styles (Imp/Expressionism) that I derive my own style from, so why would I even have to choose?

For me hyperrealism is a trap. Not that I can't do it, just that I find it tedious for no good reason. For photorealism I have cameras to take photos. Just a personal taste/preference, but not a rule for anyone else ever.
A couple of yours, Nufocus, have made me think of Paula Modersohn-Becker:

At this point in my life, I'm most interested in post-Impression and Expression, which explains my enthusiasm for what you've been doing lately.
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Hey Laika, if what you said is directed at me, I thank you kindly and I love Paula’s work!
Hi Nufocus, I know what you mean and I agree that rules are made to be broken..... but I like Both. Each for their own merits.
I would happily hange both at home if I was a wealthy type. I can explore the Soutine and its emotional depths, but I can also just feel myself relaxing into that SS scene. The techniques in my optinion are sublime in both - each for their own values... no pun intended.
Rule that can be broken isnt a rule.
Just bcz one cant take high step to be as good as Sargent he think he can throw negative words about his work or any other impression work? lol. go back and try to find from where impression genre develope at first back then in the near 1700ad. if you cant see the abstraction of Sagent its your fault not his. not coincidance that after the impressionistic era there was nothing to invent but improvisation of paintings.
There are no rules. The rules artists are bombarded with are only guidelines you would adhere to if you want to stay mainstream. If you want all the ya yaws. As for art, shit on a stick is art to some. Personal preferences. You should not need a reason to bend or break guidelines because your art is your art. If people like it, that's a bonus. As for what I would hang on my walls; some would say shit as I have some of my art hanging. 🤣

No need to bash anyone, they did what they did for their own reasons.
There are no rules. The rules artists are bombarded with are only guidelines you would adhere to if you want to stay mainstream. If you want all the ya yaws. As for art, shit on a stick is art to some. Personal preferences. You should not need a reason to bend or break guidelines because your art is your art. If people like it, that's a bonus. As for what I would hang on my walls; some would say shit as I have some of my art hanging. 🤣

No need to bash anyone, they did what they did for their own reasons.
Your works are more than just shit. they are very good and your style is impression. you play all the rules that are the basis of impression side. you cant break the rule of gray distance or colors are disapear in distance, this is a rule. same as the sun is shine every day and you cant break that rule.
If you try to break or throw out all the rules of visual objectivity shouldn’t you end up with a piece that is totally non- representational? Or you could have a blank white canvas....or a blank spot on a wall representing a concept?
Is this comment subjective?