
Donna T

Contributing Member
These are experiments in layering acrylic paint on watercolor paper and then using rubbing alcohol to remove the paint and reveal whatever is underneath. I can't do much with a brush yet so the paint was rolled on layer by layer. When the paper got too ugly (often) I rolled on black or a layer of white and kept building more layers. Near the end I used a paper towel to smear on blocks of color. Removing the paint with alcohol was fun because I got some interesting textures. The first one insisted on being more representational and the second one ... well, I tried! Acrylic on watercolor paper, 6x9-ish.


Both nice. The color in the first works for me. Good to see you playing again
I love that second one, it reminds me of a Hubble photo of one of the nebulas. ❤️
They're great. Such an interesting interesting process. Number 2 speaks to me :)
I've looked again .. and again .. I would take 3 inches of the bottom of the first one and then it wins the contest. 🧐
Thanks for looking and for the comments John, Wayne, Sno, M.Hippie, JennieJo and Kay. I’m having fun smooshing and smearing paint around, playing with textures and edges and making lots of mud with dissolved paint. Wayne, thanks for the crop idea - I think you’re right.
These are wonderful. I actually am loving the top one more. But they are both very dynamic. ♥️
Thank you Ayin. I like the top one best too even if I lost the battle of keeping it abstract. Shapes become trees and rocks so easily.
These are both great, Donna! Your sense of color and shapes is always a wonder to behold. I don't think you lost anything in the top one - they're both lovely as abstracts. Yummy texture, too.

I'm so happy to see you working again. Yay!! ❤️