Edge Of The Bog


old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. Brush/Knife .. Study of Color .. Painted 02/12/21
Nice Wayne. Makes me feel like I want to walk past
that big tree and see what's out there.(y)
Thanks you Esther, Perry, Lamar, and Ayin. I'm always opposite as I wasn't overly excited with this one. Goes to show you never view what others will see.
I wonder how many so called failures would make good paintings? That said, there is a point where no one sees it.
I like this one too, Wayne. It's kind of quiet. I'm noticing how effective it is to grade the sky from warm to cool like that.

Great piece with use of wonderful contrast and colour and a strong sense of depth.
Nice work.
Thank you Donna. It is important. I paint a cold over top of a warm or vice verscand all the openings platvwarm on cold making it more realistic regardless of the style.

Thanks John. Appreciate the take.

Thanks Jo. I think if I stopped twenty minutes earlier into the painting it might be more G of 7.
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11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. Brush/Knife .. Study of Color .. Painted 02/12/21
Hi Wayne, well, Ive walked in busk like that in Canada and this work brings back memories, so.... It works :)
I like the highlights on the scrub and those pines are murder mystery good, the sky.... nice movement of light. You even managed nice depth. I still have one of your works tagged as "favourite" but this is a nice piece.