Eat Lemons ... PUI .. come on.


old man
AA Feb 0123.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Feb 1/23 .. deep study of Oscar Rabin led to me making another version of the lemon piece from January.
Thank you Ayin and CaliAnn.
Ayin 😂
CaliAnn. Me too. 👍

I forgot the site doesn't like initial spellings. Sorry. PUI - painting under the influence.
Oh, you kids, you kids! :ROFLMAO:

I love your lemons, Wayne. Beautiful yellows!
Why have you banished the poor lemons to the out of doors? Great work, even if they are languishing outside. ♥️❤️
Thank you Terri.

Thank you Sno. I was borrowing from my influencer and used his idea as I wanted to find the substance of what I enjoyed about his painting. I wanted to incorporate it into higher intensity. Now I know how it works I can delve into my twisted mind instead of his. 🙃
...deep study of Oscar Rabin led to me making another version of the lemon piece from January.
It is rather Rabinesque! Nice! I hope see more of these.
Thanks for making us (well, he's new to me, anyway) aware of Oscar Rubin!