Draped On The Chair


old man

Wayne Gaudon .. Alla Prima .. Oil on Paper .. 11 x 14 inches ..
You're gettin' a lotta mileage out of that chair, I see, Wayne! I do like your still lifes.
Thank you Bart.
They are definately not about drawing true to life but I do try and insert life through suggestion.
Don't know what the garment is but I love the mix of colors in it. It really looks rich. I also like the close-up. ❤️ 💝
This is the favorite of your recent chair studies. Sorry I haven't commented on them all. Lovely work, inspiring for me. Love the stories they tell. Thanks.
Thank you Ayin. I actually have an hour or two set aside early mornings for painting. Right now I have a pinched nerves in my fretting arm so the guitar had to get put down till that gets better. This old age sucks.

Thanks Jo. Hopefully the stories will get more involved on the mind side of things.