Do you keep a blog?


If so, how often to you write posts and how do you promote it (if you do)? Why do you have one and do you even like having one?

I have had one since the dawn of time. I stopped blogging for a couple years between 2005-2007, but then came back and have had it going ever since. Of course, since we started the forum, I haven't had all that much time to write on it, but I've not posted on it but a couple/few times a month anyway. I try to do more, but it's really hard because of time. I'm a writer, so I like doing it. I just wish there were more hours in the day.

I talk about pretty much everything from art to personal stuff (nothing I don't want people to know though). Sometimes I promote it and sometimes I don't, mostly on ello or Instagram. I send out a seasonal newsletter and will mention it there with a link. I have a lot of follows, or at least people that read it, but I don't know who most of them are, unless I run into them and they tell me they read it, which just makes me feel weird in person.

I know a lot of people/artists don't like keeping one up. It's not for everyone.
Yes, I read your blog!!

When I’m wasting time in the interwebs and flitting from one digital thing to another, I’ll stop and say, “Oh. I wonder what’s up with Carol? Let me go and check up on her.” And so I do. And I like your newsletters. And I liked your book. I just like the way you write and how you express yourself and so I’ll take all forms of Artyness where I can. Cuz I’m a fan.

No blog for ME, though.

Once something becomes like “a task I have to do,” then I stop enjoying it. Besides, I’m aiming for a taskless existence. I DO have a “statement” on my website though, which is more of a “updated babble.” It has a date on top and I only change it after several months pass. I assume nobody reads it, so it’s like I’m talking to myself. Which is fine. I don’t think I have my website set-up properly anyway (with the keywords and google analytics stuff) and it’s all too hard for me to understand and I have no desire to learn.

So I’m wondering if, when I move, it will be time to just cut the website off. Which is also fine. I think more people see my stuff on Pinterest or Saatchi and that’s probably enough.

(I‘m tolerable in small doses.)
Oh jesus, I feel flattered and silly all at the same time now. Thank you! I too feel like I'm talking to myself, so I know how you feel. At least I have a couple of "fans," and that's nice to know. Really. Thanks. I am so grateful! :)

Overall, however, I feel like a windbag. Ha ha.

I really don't think you should get rid of your website though, but that's me. I'm a believer in artist's websites so people can go see a whole portfolio of the artist's work, and not to get into galleries or something like that. Just like having a home and a presence on the web. But that's me. I understand not knowing about SEO. If I didn't have a partner that knew about that stuff, I'd be lost too. I don't think it's always necessary to have that stuff set us perfectly. I have a friend who doesn't even really try and she's above me in Google rankings for "Contemporary Mixed Media Artist." She basically comes up at the top. Valerie Wilcox. Her art is amazing. Her 3D forms I love.
Ha! To all of us windbags. If ya gotta let the air out, ya gotta let the air out. Readers, beware.

I wonder how THAT word would work as a google search engine description...🤔

ETA. And a big fat YES to Valerie Wilcox. I can see the linkage to your work. I’m going to go back later and look at each piece more carefully, because this is EXACTLY the kind of art I’d love to buy and own. I like the..earthiness of the materials, and the combinations, and the scale. They’re not precious or delicate but still, there’s something pretty “sweet” about them.
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I kept a blog for a very short time but I just couldn't keep it current so I let it go. It was during a very busy time of my life. (like the rest of my life I have sat around with my feet up, eating bonbons. :ROFLMAO: )
I've had a site for eons - almost as long as Carol haha, it's more of a gallery really although I now post pretty regularly and like many often think I'm just shouting into space. I was on an art thing a few weeks ago and we were chatting about blogs and someone said, oh I was on your site a few days ago, cool work and I thought blimey someone else goes on there I'm not alone hahaha🙂
Spoilt you are Sno🤣
I have a blog on my website that I have ONLY to entice google to see how recent I am. I forget about it when I'm busy.

I just did a quick post about a Jack Russell Terriers painting I did, hoping google picks that up and shows me higher in any searches.

I have another blogger blog that I left die and it is pointed to my website.
My blog comes up on Google, but not like my site does. However, it comes up like crazy on keyword searches, weird stuff like: panel sealer, color tattoos, weird poetry, escaping cults, depression, or whatever else that I might talk about.

Today: (other than my name of course), paintings of angels, kabbalah tree of life, bloggie addiction, fuck love painting, weird contemporary art, shellac primer for oil painting, scientology, memoirs,
Yes, I read your blog!!

When I’m wasting time in the interwebs and flitting from one digital thing to another, I’ll stop and say, “Oh. I wonder what’s up with Carol? Let me go and check up on her.” And so I do. And I like your newsletters. And I liked your book. I just like the way you write and how you express yourself and so I’ll take all forms of Artyness where I can. Cuz I’m a fan.

No blog for ME, though.

Once something becomes like “a task I have to do,” then I stop enjoying it. Besides, I’m aiming for a taskless existence. I DO have a “statement” on my website though, which is more of a “updated babble.” It has a date on top and I only change it after several months pass. I assume nobody reads it, so it’s like I’m talking to myself. Which is fine. I don’t think I have my website set-up properly anyway (with the keywords and google analytics stuff) and it’s all too hard for me to understand and I have no desire to learn.

So I’m wondering if, when I move, it will be time to just cut the website off. Which is also fine. I think more people see my stuff on Pinterest or Saatchi and that’s probably enough.

(I‘m tolerable in small doses.)
Hello Olive, No, you mustn't stop your website!
I have visited your blog somewhat randomly🙂 but whenever I visit I always enjoy it. So I hope you keep it going, I also - well I hope I also signed up for your newsletter🙂. Got flu at the mo (not the virus) so head is fuzzier than usual which is why I said hope I signed haha
I have always kept an art blog at I put all my work in it, as well as past art class work. You can see the grades I got in past art classes.
Hi David. I was finally able to look at your blog and I like a lot of your ideas and some of your paintings are pretty sweet. Some of it reminds me of Outsider art. How long have you been painting?

Feel free to post some of your art on the forums.

My blog is by the way.
No , a blog seems like alot of work .

But , on the other hand they say if you've got an artist website a blog could help with SEO ?
at least that's what I've heard anyway
I have had one for several years. Used to have more personal stuff, but these days pretty much only post each new painting. But I'm not seeking an audience beyond friends nor sales, so my experience here may be irrelevant.
I don't seek sales via my blog. It's more like a public diary that incudes mostly what's happening in the studio.