Delivered another one today.


Supporting Member
I've been selling quite a few paintings on Facebook, to my surprise. I just delivered this one today. I just post them and say available and it seems to be working. Just needs to happen a bit more often.😄

Good for you! This is delightful - cozy and warm. I'm not at all surprised it's sold. :)

Sno,,,,,how do you ship them? That was always a nightmare for me, and the cost for shipping was outrageous! I had paintings damaged, had to deal with insurance, etc. Or do you just deal with local clients? Nice painting!
Sno,,,,,how do you ship them? That was always a nightmare for me, and the cost for shipping was outrageous! I had paintings damaged, had to deal with insurance, etc. Or do you just deal with local clients? Nice painting!
Bill, I've shipped to S. America, Scotland, England and all over the USA and the only damage I ever had was one where the paint was a little too thick in one spot, stuck to the wrapping. The man happened to be a relative of one of my neighbors and when he came from CA to visit them, he brought it for me to repair. That has been the only casualty. I put wax paper over the face of the painting, then a layer of bubble wrap and put them in a fitted cardboard box and ship em out. However, this particular painting was hand delivered, locally.
I missed this the first time around ... wow, Sno, it's really beautiful! Wax paper sounds like a good idea to keep anything from sticking. I wonder if parchment paper would also work.
I missed this the first time around ... wow, Sno, it's really beautiful! Wax paper sounds like a good idea to keep anything from sticking. I wonder if parchment paper would also work.
The only thing I have found that sticks to cooking parchment is that thick water-proof medical tape- kinda cushiony.

It doesn't stick well, mind you, but it sticks some.
I missed this the first time around ... wow, Sno, it's really beautiful! Wax paper sounds like a good idea to keep anything from sticking. I wonder if parchment paper would also work.
Thank you Donna.❤️ I don't know about parchment, never tried it but I almost always have wax paper around. I have cooking parchment also but have never tried it and am afraid to in case it might be a disaster. ;)
È un dipinto meraviglioso , un acquisto felice e da emulare perchè chi ama l’arte non può farsi un regalo più bello
Just an experience I've had with wax paper before; I was once delivering some drawings to Arizona in the back of my car wrapped in wax paper and they were ruined because some of it melted onto the drawings. From there on out, I started using Glassine instead.