Dancer reworked


Well-known member
Hi folks, after seeing some of the pastel works of Sanlynn, I'm a bit hesitant to post. But here goes. Its a larger study of tiny dancer, 25x35 cm on Canson MT. Started with Rembrandt's and finished with senneliers. Really overworked sections trying to get proportions right. I used a grid and calipers to measure but it still comes down to making a mark on paper.....
It's humbling to do this and think of some of the works the old masters produced.
I am still "fiddling" as I'm not happy, but now I'm overworking and the paper is giving up so it's probably time to call it ....

It's lovely, Murray- truly.

The proportions look pretty good- you have to remember, that is not a "normal" human pose; I mean, where have you ever seen it other than in a ballerina en pointe? So when you do see it on a ballerina en pointe, it looks a bit unnatural because it is.

But, you've caught the grace and wonder of ballet here- truly lovely.

I like the way the right hand fades away from us, and the stretch of the pose is felt in her arms and shoulder muscles. And, again here, I like the filmy, diaphanous look of her costume- this is really, really good, Murray.
But, you've caught the grace and wonder of ballet here- truly lovely.
Thank you so much JStarr for the wonderful compliment. I really doubt myself sometimes especially when I look at the "great works". This kind of stuff really makes you work. Thank you
Thank you so much JStarr for the wonderful compliment. I really doubt myself sometimes especially when I look at the "great works". This kind of stuff really makes you work. Thank you
Put it away for one week, then bring it back out- but don't look at it in your hands. Instead, set it somewhere, and then glance at it-- THAT is what we see.
This may have taken you longer than you thought it would, but your results are just beautiful. My eye is immediately drawn to the muscles and grace of your dancer. Your proportions look fine. The stretch is full and your dancer looks balanced.

Be proud of this one! :)
Put it away for one week, then bring it back out- but don't look at it in your hands. Instead, set it somewhere, and then glance at it-- THAT is what we see.
Really? Will do, thanks for the boost, really appreciated
She really is a beauty and you should be proud of her! I like that you didn't get too detailed with her facial features - she's moving so we wouldn't be able to focus on them anyway.
She really is a beauty and you should be proud of her! I like that you didn't get too detailed with her facial features - she's moving so we wouldn't be able to focus on them anyway.
Thanks Donna. Hmm - well the head and shoulders is where I struggled, but without pencils, I could not get any further detail anyway.
But I agree, when I moved back to check things, it was obvious that the face needed only suggestions and let the viewer create the rest... hopefully.
It is a wonderful job Murray and I see nothing wrong with the proportions. As JStarr already mentioned, it is not a natural pose, so it is hard to be sure of proportions. Capturing the grace and movement of the ballerina is the important thing in this painting and you have done it very well. Bravo! ❤️