Culinary Art?


Well-known member
Culinary Art?

I looks so good you could eat it. :)

As amateur cook, I tend to be far more concerned with what food tastes like than what it looks like. But that's just me. :)
Yes its no good looking good if it tastes like cardboard🙂, otoh when there is a balance between looking and tasting it can be a really delicious experience
Any cake looks good to me.

Did you all look through the article?

View attachment 3578

Now see, not realistic at all. I know because around here they have banned the sale of tobacco products, for months, using the Covid pandemic as excuse. And thus, you can be sure no cigarette butts with even a scrap of tobacco left in them would be found anywhere. So I just know these have to be fake. :)

View attachment 3579

The ashtray cake and the severed ear cookies are both by the same woman, Natasha Collins.

Happy birthday, Vincent!
I wouldn't really consider that an edible cake though. Have you tried chewing cigarette butts? It just simply can't be done. The ears with the jewelry would be problematic too.
I just see a talented baker/artist that's found herself a niche market. Not the kind of cake I would want and I could think of better subjects to bake when thinking of eating them.

this is my favorite,

but I would not eat it, beautiful though
the 2 mice,
which are a reference to dickens so (but the mice had already caught me), I hadn't read the article before, cool.