Couple From Friday ...


old man

Autumn Trail .. 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima ... painted Nov 24/23


Another Trail .. 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper ... Alla Prima .. painted Nove 24/23
First one is bright, almost abstract. Love it. Second is more generic but makes a lovely painting. I love all the marks on the path, looks like fallen leaves. :giggle: ❤️
I too like the second one because of the path and the look of the fallen leaves. Soon it will be winter (starting to sure feel like it) and the leaves will be covered. Paint them while they're still around. ;) ♥️
Thank you Ayin. Yes, it is coming. -4 C. yesterday but we still have no snow.
Wish we had less Christmas decorations.. a lot up since mid November. That is just crazy. Two weeks before Christmas is plenty. Sort of killing the spirit. 😥
It looks like you wove those autumn colors together in the first one as much as painted them. The colors are so natural! I like the quiet, leafy path in the second one too. I hear you about the decorations. They went up in my neighborhood the day after Halloween. The pumpkins didn’t even get a chance to get old and squishy. I need the squishy pumpkin phase!
Thank you Donna. I just a few days ago started painting to music. I find it interesting how the melody almost dictates the stroke. Highly entertaining. I mostly use instrumentals now as I find I start singing along to vocals and that is distracting instead of addative. The merchants are dictating the pace instead of family. Sucks but it’s the circle of the times. Hard on old souls.
I, too, believe the second is strongest- it really pulls me in; it isn't just your hues and values- although those are best in the second- I think the second is a stronger composition; the eye stays in and moves around.

Lovely piece.