Concrete Textures 2

OK, I will gladly shed some light on my technique for you, because I love sharing, and also because I think that is what the Creative Spark community is all about. I just need a day or two to get it together.
Much appreciated.
Apologies for the poor quality photos, but I rattled them off while the topic is still hot. As mentioned before, to anchor the concrete, I first fixed stainless steel mesh to the panel, which is 760 x 610mm. There is a gap under the mesh.


The fast set concrete was mixed to a fairly stiff paste that was applied roughly to the mesh, leaving some mesh exposed to give added texture. It is possible to do some dribbles and scratchings with a knife before it hardens. The concrete sets rock hard after less than one hour. Here is what the raw concrete looked like, with its typical pale grey colour:


The large hole is 60mm in diameter.

Here is a zoomed area to show a detail of the raw, unpainted concrete. The circle (an imprint of a plastic tablet container) is 25mm


Some angled views to show the thickness. The green part is 16mm thick



Below are some painted details, showing the raw and painted concrete textures. Every square mm was covered in paint, using normal brushes and painting strokes. The colours were mainly bluish and ochre greys, with red and green accents.





I hope I've explained the process and technical details clearly.


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Much appreciate. amazing stuff. the steel net really in place there. how much its whight?
It could be a detail from an old abandoned building. It certainly conjures up that kind of feeling to me - one of discovery.
Not something I would ever try but I love seeing how it is achieved and I love the results. ❤️❤️
I really like everything about this. It's so open to interpretation, and there's so much going on in terms of shapes and textures.

Absolutely fascinating to see the process pictures, thanks so much for sharing those. Apart from showing the construction, just seeing different angles and lighting of the finished surfaces really helps give me a better understanding of the piece.
Thank you, Hawkmoth. I have a natural affinity/obsession with concrete. Besides, I like to discuss technical issues.
Nice to see the process. I really enjoy this kind of work and I can imagine it looking amazing on someone's wall.