Colorful Glass Bottles in Watercolor


Contributing Member
This took me quite a while! It is watercolor, 11 x 7 on Hahnemühle Collection 140CP. This is my first time using it, and it was love at first stroke.

Well done! I used to get Hahnemuhle papers when we were stationed in Germany- lovely stuff. You more than did it justice.
That’s so beautiful, Joy! The reflections are especially well done and the glass looks great! I’m glad you found a paper you like.
Beautifully done!
I like the grainy translucence that you have painted so well.
Wonderful work Joy! Love all the colours in the glass and the reflections.
Terrific work, Joy! Love the colors of your bottles, and the reflections. Glass can be challenging in any medium and you nailed it.

I think my favorite touch is the top lip of the brown bottle. The color, the touches of white, and the ellipse itself are perfect.
Jo, Kay - thank you both!
Terri - Your comment is greatly appreciated, as I spent quite a while doing many of these different areas.
ntl, thanks! It took me a long time, and I need more practice.