Shepherd dog in watercolor - Xpost from Wildlife Forum


Supporting Member
This is watercolor on Baohong 140CP, 8 x 11. It was done for a challenge on another site. The shepherd was mostly black so I decided to experiment with some color.

I love this! Makes me think of a nebula with the colors you chose. Great work!
Lovely work and I like the blue on his face. It does a great job of defining the shapes of his head perfectly!
Vivien, thanks ever so much for the kind words. It was nice to try something different. Oddly enough, the things I don't care as much about coming out well seem to come out better. So nice to hear from you; I think of you when watching my kiwi mysteries, like Brokenwood and My Life is Murder.
Vivien, thanks ever so much for the kind words. It was nice to try something different. Oddly enough, the things I don't care as much about coming out well seem to come out better. So nice to hear from you; I think of you when watching my kiwi mysteries, like Brokenwood and My Life is Murder.
Broken Wood is excellent not so keen on My Life is Murder.