Cheapside Village Residents

Dave Woody

Well-known member
50cm x 30cm paper

Our Village puts on a Horticultural and Art show once a year. I will frame this and enter it just for fun.
It is titled 'Notable Cheapside Residents' and has Debbie, our local hairdresser in it, Peter Naji, a pilot, Laurence..(Florence...inside joke) our local Publican, John Cross our Village landscaper, Sean Lynch... a good friend and top tier music bod and Oliver, talented kid on the racing scene.

All the other Villagers too....
Now try to deny the artist in you , you can’t after this one. Brilliant
I didn't win and the framed pic is in the Cheapside Village Hall store room.
I plan to 'not' rescue it, infact, I hope it gets lost and forgotten for a couple of decades.

Inside the frame I included my original 'doodle' idea, which will be an interesting find if anyone ever opens it up.
