Captain America


Contributing Member
This was a very large graphite drawing I did of my neighbours’ child that I surprised them with when they were about to move to another province. She was a wonderful kid, a real Tom girl. And she would ride her small bike and run around our complex tirelessly saving us all from “the bad guys”! We thought this kid is gonna grow up and be anything she wants to be. All heart. No fear! She didn’t want to be that female Miss America character, or whatever she was called... She said it had to be Captain America! I don’t know if she’s going to be in the military doing amazing things or the next Prime Minister, or an athlete or what. I am staying tuned.
This took many hours. I used to keep the window open in my bedroom and watch everybody socialize in the last few weeks of summer before they moved. I really wanted to be down with them, but I was feverishly working away trying to get this done in time. Their reaction was my real reward! They didn’t know that I did any drawing or painting.
I am guessing 22” x 30“. Can’t remember now.
Ps. I worked from a photo. Some people got very upset. The flag was backwards, which I didn’t even think about. It was a plastic cast costume. But just so it is stated, I mean no offence. I drew it the way I saw it. I was quite unaware of the meaning, being Canadian.
Thanks Jo and Bee. I just wanted to get out ahead of it. Last time I had a veteran very upset with me, which I did not see coming.
They had prints made of this and they sent it to all their relatives all over Canada. The dad who is a a very serious, tough sort, burst into tears when he saw it. It’s gratifying being able to do something that means a lot to people.
I’m sure this little girl loved the way you drew her and was grateful she didn’t have to pose in some frilly dress. No wonder the family loves this!
Oh thank you for letting me know that. I had a a Vet really chew me out for it. I was just a lady trying to do a nice deed. I felt bad about it regardless.
looks to me that she's wearing it correctly. The idea is your arm is the flag pole, so the flag would unfurl as shown. It shows you are advancing. If it were the other way you would be retreating.
Thank you so much Bill.
Honestly, I live for the reactions. That’s why I’ll never be rich! 😁 Even when I do commissions, the thrill is not getting paid. People I don’t know well will just have these emotional reactions. Once this older, slightly heavier lady in her 60s literally whooped and ran and jumped and held me, both feet off the ground in a full body hug! I had done 15 members of her family in a large portrait, all from different pictures. They had not all been together in years. When you’re that far in, you’re praying that they don’t see a problem! Anyways, it was a totally unexpected reaction.I am glad I kept my balance! I will say it was very gratifying though. She sent that off to her elderly parents in Newfoundland.
One man in his 30s cried when I showed him his commission. It was his motorcycle. Lol you certainly find out what means the most to people.😉
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I thought I commented on this, but I see it didn't "take." This is really impressive. Great drawing skills here! Well done! ♥️