
Queen Bee

Well-known member
9"x12" watercolor on watercolor paper
Oct 29 2021 Bullfinch.jpg
Gorgeous! It's early morning here, the sun is coming up and I can hear birds singing outside my window. Your lovely plump, colourful bullfinch has just made me smile a big smile!
Gorgeous! It's early morning here, the sun is coming up and I can hear birds singing outside my window. Your lovely plump, colourful bullfinch has just made me smile a big smile!
Thank you. Glad it made you smile.
Looks good, I love those striking colours and his plump shape :)

I had a pair of these on my garden once, when I first moved in. That was a nice surprise. I haven't seen them here since though!
This looks great Deborah, sitting up with wonderful colour perched atop the evergreen bough. Wonderful!!

John :)