Think storehouse for mariners and fishermen. This is a very old place visited by Russian, English, Spanish and American traders and seafarers. It's a sheltered area that would have attracted some trading and settling many times over, not to mention the Native Americans who inhabited it. Any natural harbor that had even a small trading post would have been a "bodega" to them. Bodega doesn't literally translate as "grocery store", though many are just that today. It translates as "store" or "warehouse".Very nice! Rather inspiring!
(But who'd name a bay "Grocery Store"?)
Ah! Similar to Indian place names on Long Island, NY. Many of them (so I've been told) meant "safe harbor".Think storehouse for mariners and fishermen. This is a very old place visited by Russian, English, Spanish and American traders and seafarers. It's a sheltered area that would have attracted some trading and settling many times over, not to mention the Native Americans who inhabited it. Any natural harbor that had even a small trading post would have been a "bodega" to them. Bodega doesn't literally translate as "grocery store", though many are just that today. It translates as "store" or "warehouse".