Bleached Blonde


Bleached Blonde.jpg

12x9 mixed media demo on Grumbacher 140 lb cold press paper done last week during my Monday class. A blind contour drawing with white crayon was first, then bleeding art tissue laid on top, spritzed with water till colors began flowing then removed. When dry, watercolor accents were applied in this fun female face.
C&C welcome!
This might be my favorite piece from you, Kay. I am intrigued by the process and just love the result. Fantastic work! Love it! 👏
Electric! This is great Kay. Just from her face, I can see her tall stature. She's wonderful. ❤️
That's amazing, Kay! She has the look of a real person in that her expression seems genuine. I didn't know that bleeding art tissue was a thing so thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Interesting! Of course, the question comes to mind: what if you used differently-colored crayons? 🤔

Interesting! Of course, the question comes to mind: what if you used differently-colored crayons? 🤔

I am going out on a limp here, but I'd guess her artwork would have ended up having different colors...?
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12x9 mixed media demo on Grumbacher 140 lb cold press paper done last week during my Monday class. A blind contour drawing with white crayon was first, then bleeding art tissue laid on top, spritzed with water till colors began flowing then removed. When dry, watercolor accents were applied in this fun female face.
C&C welcome!
Thanks, again, for detailing the process. Such brilliant colours! Another one for ne to try. I have a couple I need to do. This might be perfect for them!