Hi Gang! I had the pleasure of gallery-sitting for a New England Watercolor Regional show at the Vernon (CT) Arts Center over the weekend. from 1 to 5PM, there were 20 visitors and that is very good according to the Art Center rep who was with me. So we wondered what caused such a down-tick in attendance. This was a walk-in show ( masks were mandated) so that could explain it. The show was astounding in range of subjects and techniques. (can be viewed online) The local library hosted a "virtual" show which I thought would encourage participation but NO, the number of entrants was drastically reduced, and the show may be cancelled. So what can we say is happening? I thought everyone being cooped up with all the Covid protecols would be painting/crafting to pass the time! Perhaps the Covid situation has gotten everyone so depressed and miserable our creative selves are losing it. What say you?? Are you all being impacted? If so, any ideras on how to shrug it off?