Backlit Tree


Well-known member
So, I saw and saved this scene somewhere along the way by doing a quick sketchy thing at the time; I think the original I saw was a painting- I don't really recall. It had to have been a few five or so years ago- pre-CoVID, likely. It's a landscape and so it languished in a pile of old references I stashed away when out in the barn shed and then found when Dear Husband pulled things out of the small oak supply chest my brother made me a few decades ago but which has not liked traveling the world; Dear Husband took everything out and refinished, -furbished and -fined it for my Christmas gift (Good thing I'd gotten him a new planer!). So, since I knew I'd not be able to actually do much work in the studio, I sketched this out on some UArt and mounted it to the easel and let it sit, working on it for very short periods (like 5 minutes at a time) over the holidays and finished it today. Still have one guest left, but I have hope he leaves this week.


  • backlittree.jpg
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You made those leaves glow, Julie! That’s such a beautiful light effect and also a great sense of distance. The bright barn roof really adds to the sunlit look. Lucky you to have that supply chest refinished!
Thanks Ayin, Sno, Jo, and Donna. The tree's still a bit more tortured than I care for, but I think that's because it was.... ;)
Hi J. Yes, it's a keeper. I am beginning to see... If you keep coming back to it or something holds you, keep it until you understand the "calling". The universe, god, mind , whatever gets to you is talking. Listen. Wait.