Aspen Memories Pastel Painting

Jo Castillo

Contributing Member

Aspen Memories, Pastel on Pastelbord, 14 in x 11 in

I did this from a couple of photos and memories from the mountains. It was on a wiped off board with an under painting. I fiddled with it more than I intended, but I did complete a studio pastel. Critiques are always welcome. It is not quite as vivid in real life in the house, I took the photo in real sunshine to help keep the colors true. Inside the light is not so bright. Ha.
Read the entry on your blog, Jo. interesting to read of your values. I used to do a block-in of greys to get my values but then I divided my palette into 5 values and mix my color to the panel strip I want my value to be. That way I do my block-in in color which is usually a little darker as it’s easy to lighten but difficult to darken. Lazy man way.
Wayne, thanks. I'm pretty a once an done painter as well now. I like to finish in one sitting or day. With pastels it is a bit different to mix colors, usually a light glazing or cross hatching. I under paint to avoid looking at a white paper or board and to save the expensive pastels. I love playing in the dust. Once in a while I get out acrylics or oils just to smoosh the paint around. Fun, too.
This is gorgeous, Jo! The golden leaves against the cool colors in the background make for a very appealing image. I checked out the progress photos on your blog and it was nice to see how you once again transformed one painting into another. The second progress photo could have been an abstract painting but I’m glad you saw the trees instead.
I like how Ground got in on the cacophony of fall colors with oranges, purples, lavender, and mint greens. Fair play.
Donna T, thank you. I think I'm actually going to frame this one. Sort of getting back into the swing of things.

Bongo, color is my thing. It makes me happy. Thanks so much.
Your trees are glorious! What a beautiful painting, Jo. ❤️

You write up there that "color is my thing," and it is evident from this wonderful piece. Well deserved to be framed!
This is terrific- I love your shadows A LOT- and the way you lose chroma and, first yellow, then orange, hues in the distance. Good stuff!
Jo, love the freshness of the fall tree colors and how well they are placed into their surrounding area with perfect darkness touching them. Beautiful piece!
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Artyczar, thank you. Nice to hear.

JStarr, thanks so much. Always nice for you to notice how I work.

moscatel, thank you. Such good memories of aspens to work on.

snoball, appreciate your heart and kind words.
This is a lovely painting, with a lot of depth to it. I also like the subtle shifts in colour in this one.
Apart from those stunning autumn colours, I really like the looseness. It allows one to imagine more. Nice
Murray, thanks. I think as I'm getting older I paint without my glasses and get looser in spite of myself. Ha.

Triduana, hi there and thank you so much.