Artist Quotes/Quotes on Art

He was an atheist
Good for him.
I like people that confess their doubts, it means they don't deal in "absolute truth", dogma's.
It leaves open the possibility of being wrong about something, and changing one's perspective according to new information. Basically the basis of the modern scientific method, in my humble opinion the best tool we have to approach "truth".
Atheists have no doubt about the non-existence of God. I myself am an agnostic. I don't know if God exists. It seems highly unlikely to me, but I leave room for doubt. I'm not all-knowing; I could be wrong.
These repeated arguments from authority are both tiresome and arbitrary. The Blessed One's opinion is the same as everyone else's, speculative. Mine is that it's likely show's over, lights out, Elvis leaves the building for good, but there's only one way to find out.
Only in that it's speculative. I don't share it, nor do hordes of other people who think the Blessed One was a bit of a masochist who mostly suffered from a surfeit of good things.
I like Huysmans quote... especially when you consider he was as much of a decadent as his peers Baudelaire, Verlaine, Walter Pater, or Oscar Wilde. :rolleyes:
Art is never chaste. It ought to be
forbidden to ignorant innocents, never
allowed into contact with those not
sufficiently prepared. Yes, art is
dangerous. Where it is chaste, it is not
-Pablo Picasso