Art Gallery, Madras Museum Complex


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Art Gallery, Madras Museum 120323.jpg

I sketched this on location during the Chennai Urban Sketchers sketch meet at this venue three weeks ago. It is a pen and ink sketch, approximately 7″ x 8.5″, in a custom made sketchbook, using a Rorito Maxtron ink gel pen. I sketched the skeleton of the building and the location of the trees at the event and then developed the tones and foliage later at home.

When I left the venue I had not decided whether to complete the sketch by adding colour, or whether to stick to ink. Ultimately I decided to stick to pen and ink.

But I am now strongly inclined to attempt this in watercolour.
I love this! Great detail and shading. I really like the top of the building and the figure sitting under the tree.
Wonderful! I really like it as it is, with all the details. Extremely well done. It would be interesting to see this in watercolor, as well - it would likely have a completely different feel in color. It's a great scene, very strong. ❤️
You have a nice touch in ink. I like your hatching and trees. Applause. Looking forward to the watercolor version.
This beautifully drawn. You have just the right amount of detail. It's a lovely composion that would also be nice in watercolor.