Another Piece Of The Rock



I am not sure where but this is off the highway that goes into Burgeo .. 90 miles of road .. no stops along the way ..
11 x 14 .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. brush/knife .. painter 27/11/21
Nice one! Very fresh and lively.
Does the stream sort of lead the viewer out of the painting, though? But at the same time, those strokes of bright green opposite balance the water...
Thank you Lamar. It should not because there is a patch of green and a few twigs that lift your eye up and the sky takes over from there.

Thanks Ayin. Did a lot of mixing on the paper and not the palette.
Lovely big landscape. I enjoyed exploring it. Love the blues and those trees - I like how you've left some bare branches too.
Wayne, I really like the palette you used here, the colours work very well. I find the painting well balanced and that sky packs a wonderful impact and draws me right into the scene. Great job.

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Thank you Kay. We can't forget the dead.

Thanks John. I painted into pure French UltraBlue to get the sky.
This one is an instant favorite, Wayne. Just gorgeous. I'm loving that sky, but the entire palette is inviting and warm. Your brush and knife work are always a special thing to behold. ❤️

*le sigh*
Those are some expressive colors that you used to describe the feel of this isolated location. Nice work, Wayne! Sounds like a good place not to run out of gas.
Thanks Joe

Thanks Donna
..... Or take a major washroom break

Thanks Terri ... still learning...