P. Barrie Well-known member Messages 802 Aug 31, 2020 #2 I like it! We’re the black lines first, ongoing, or last?
snoball Certifiable Supporting Member Messages 8,669 Aug 31, 2020 #4 I like it but it is a complete breakaway for you. So different from your other paintings.
Enyaw old man Messages 8,052 Aug 31, 2020 #6 Thank you Sno. I did a series of these but ended up keeping only two. I may revisit that again one day which is what I kept a couple. Thanks Trier
Thank you Sno. I did a series of these but ended up keeping only two. I may revisit that again one day which is what I kept a couple. Thanks Trier
Artyczar Moderator Messages 13,488 Sep 1, 2020 #7 It's very different for you--stylized and new. Is it new for you? I really like it.