Angry Sky


Well-known member
This is basically a concept sketch of the background for a piece I'm working on for my mom. She wants Jesus riding a horse coming down from heaven. So he'll be coming out of that gap in the clouds, riding down a ray of light. I'm a bit "meh" on it, but she said it's "Amazing," so I guess I'm on the right track.

Gallery by Mungyo oil pastels on Artist Loft sketch paper.
Wonderful sky so far! I know you're not into the Jesus part, but the sky/background is bitchen! I suppose, since she has to deal with however you decide to make it (in YOUR style), you can abstract it and try to have a little fun with it. Try not to worry about pleasing her so much, and when it's done, let her know it is your artistic interpretation. She will love it anyway because you made it, I'm sure. ❤️