Also Known as Bakelite...

I have tweaked it a bit, just little detail, since posting it here.
It is for a good mate of mine in SA who is a Chemist ( not a pharmacist ).

I just love a 36 letters long word...and it clearly wasn't going to fit into
the speech bubble on the first go, so....I just improvised and manoeuvred letteristically...
.....( I think I just made up a word...) !
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Thanks Sno'....I quite like it too.....
Fun to compose, a document, a bit of humour and going to hang in a good home.
The way the white on black telephone and wireless are represented, alone, work on me, like a lot of your mark making.
Like it ! A 36 letter word is precisely why I would never paint it. You must have used a brush or pen rather than your trusty knife ?
Like it ! A 36 letter word is precisely why I would never paint it. You must have used a brush or pen rather than your trusty knife ?
Yes, I do now keep a number of new brushes for lettering. My jar of stiff brushes are for everything
my fingers are to fat to do and I have, set aside, some fresh little brushes for writing stuff.