"Ah'm Bleuuuu!"


Well-known member
This is somewhere in lower Manhattan. It started as a color photo, changed to B+W, then cranked the blue in the color balance. I use IrfanView to fiddle the colors when pictures are on my computer.

BC 01a 'Grainy Blue  'scraper in NYC ' 20=09=14 (Sm) (WC).jpeg

This one is closer, here in NC:

BC 10a 'Blue on Buffalo Rd' 20=07=28 (Sm).jpg

This was taken with my Samsung Galaxy J2 phone, using the Black Camera app with the "Infrared" filter. Because my phone hasn't been fixed for IR, I suspect the IR filter is just "really dark red".

What great effects on these. Really cool!
Thanks! I guess there are some advantages to digitalization! What can be done with a few mouse clicks and drags would possibly take hours in the darkroom – if it could be done at all.
