Abstract that became flowers

Donna T

Contributing Member
I've been watching YouTube videos on how to paint abstractly and I gave it a shot. When the flower shapes appeared I just went with it because I didn't know what else to do! These are both 12x12 acrylic on canvas. They are meant to hang one above the other but they kind of work side by side too. I'll keep trying to do something that is purely abstract but once I see "things" it's hard to unsee them.

This should have gotten a little more attention. I venture to guess it's because it is in the abstract forum. Seems abstracts are not enjoyed by realists but abstract artists can see some merit in realism. Strange phenom. Anyway, abstract/expressionism is what comes from inside. There are no books or videos that can adequately cover the bases. To find it you need to ask yourself what is it that peaks your interest. Why do you want to paint in that vein. First answer should be that I like ---------. Now ask yourself how you paint what you like. Then you try to paint it. It won't happen right away but if you keep the questions coming and you apply the paint to your ideas, you will find what pleases you. It's not important that you paint like anyone but yourself. What is important is that you understand what good painters do because before you break all the rules you need to know how to apply one when you want to pull the viewer into your web. Enjoy yourself.
Great work and I love how you outlined leaves in white, really adds interest. ❤️
This is lovely. You seem to be using acrylics a little like watercolors, with washes in the background. I'd call it abstracted realism, how's that? Very nice.
Thanks Wayne, and thanks for your thoughts on painting abstractly - I appreciate them. I am attracted and intrigued by abstract art and just wonder if I have it in me. .

Thank you Artyczar and snoball.

Thanks trufflecat - abstracted realism works for me! I have zero experience with acrylics and much to learn.
These are very pleasing to look at. Very nice. I like the bottom one best.
These pieces are very attractive. I like the different elements. I have to admit that I'm like you in regards to seeing things and then being unable to see them.😄
This is very good IMHO.
My humble advice and attitude is to paint what you feel like and don't worry about the 'labels'.
This should have gotten a little more attention. I venture to guess it's because it is in the abstract forum. Seems abstracts are not enjoyed by realists but abstract artists can see some merit in realism. Strange phenom. Anyway, abstract/expressionism is what comes from inside. There are no books or videos that can adequately cover the bases. To find it you need to ask yourself what is it that peaks your interest. Why do you want to paint in that vein. First answer should be that I like ---------. Now ask yourself how you paint what you like. Then you try to paint it. It won't happen right away but if you keep the questions coming and you apply the paint to your ideas, you will find what pleases you. It's not important that you paint like anyone but yourself. What is important is that you understand what good painters do because before you break all the rules you need to know how to apply one when you want to pull the viewer into your web. Enjoy yourself.
I agree 100%
I'll keep trying to do something that is purely abstract but once I see "things" it's hard to unsee them.
This is a good observation, Donna! It's why many artists, myself included, struggle with abstract. Thinking about shapes, blocks of color, swirls, creating mood through it all...but no real identifiable subject matter. Very hard to suss from the brain.

I like looking at abstracts and usually find them more interesting than realism. I found Wayne's comments up there informative.

You definitely ended up with flowers, and they are lovely to look at, and nicely done. Not really abstract, but still these are good paintings. :)
Thanks so much for your comments Perry, Sanlynn, and Trier. I really appreciate them!

Thanks Terri - To me, abstract painting is nothing like regular painting; it's a whole other art form. After so many years of learning about the rules of painting and trying to make things look recognizeable I kind of feel adrift when I attempt an abstract. I think of these as alien flowers: not real but maybe they could pass as flowers somewhere else!
These are really pretty and delicate, but as Terri said not really abstract:) but then why worry about labelling them, it's enough that you've painted them :)
Totally agree, Donna! But they're still successful paintings, that stand on their own. :)