Above the Fair


Supporting Member
Above the Fair.jpg

This is infrared, Kodak HIE. I shot this at the Georgia State Fair. The ride is called "Cyclops" and is a tower with these claw-like things hanging from it, that swoop the riders out into the sky. To get this vantage point, I stood with my back against the tower and pointed my camera towards the sky, and waited for the riders to swing into it. It's one of my favorite HIE negatives, showing the glow from the sun, and the special quality of the film's extended spectrum.

All comments welcomed and appreciated. Thanks for looking!
Love it! Very dramatic. I don't think it would have worked as well in colour.
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Fantastic shot. My first thought was "how did you do that?!!!" and then I read how. Amazing and creative.
...with these claw-like things hanging from it, that swoop the riders out into the sky.
Yikes! Looks and sounds like an abduction of some sort 🥺 I do like the look of the infrared film, especially what it does to the sky and clouds in this one. And that claw at that angle is kind of menacing. Very clever framing!
Holy poop! This is absolutely stunning! Yes, very exciting in many ways. The light, the sky/clouds, the shape, the action, the angle and vantage...how in the world? was the first thing that came to mind. The claw shape is crazy cool. You keep amazing me. 👏

♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Lamar, Zen, Nufocus, Arty - thank you all so much for the great comments! ❤

And that claw at that angle is kind of menacing.
I've been told it looks like an alien invasion. 😆

This is the full frame of the negative, btw. I have a couple on this roll while I was shooting this ride, and a couple of them are fun, but this is the one that is a little head-tilting.

When I hung the film strip up to dry, I remember looking at this frame and thinking it was kind of a dud. :)

My avatar is also from this roll.
This is very cool Terri.....so much atmospheric presence in this and dramatic too as has been said.