A section of a huge Ficus Tree


Active member
This is a drawing I completed recently from my own ref photo, I used photoshop to tinker with the values to create more colour espeially in those oranges where the sun was shining through the roots that we call trunks..
Pastelmat Board, coloured pencils mainly Faber Castell & Pablos.
Size 57 x 42 cm

I am delighted to see it here Bren. It must have taken you many hours of work with those details and colour changes... Well done!
Thanks Laika,Jessie, Raquel, Terri & Triduana for all your wonderful compliments, I loved doing this one even though it seemed to take forever and a day Lol 💞💞😊😊
Wow! This is so beautiful. It’s like there is a fire spirit inside the tree. The more you look at it, the more details come to life.
many thanks too, laf.art, Perry & Queen Bee I so loved doing this one ☺☺☺
Lovely work. The unusual subject and composition are very engaging. It works beautifully.