A protocol question


Contributing Member
Being a novice on all things art ... what is accepted as normal practice?

I am submitting works to group shows, some have already been accepted, others not yet. Is it generally considered acceptable to post images, and info about the images on: social media, your own web site and virtual galleries with links to social media and web sites?

Thanks for any thoughts.
My two cents:
It seems to me that shows where you have been accepted would like any publicity they can get. Put up your images. You should include the info about the show, location, time, etc. and include a link to the website or facebook.

Where you haven't been accepted yet, I wouldn't post your images, but can say you entered and include info. Then when accepted you can post again with images.
My two cents:
It seems to me that shows where you have been accepted would like any publicity they can get. Put up your images. You should include the info about the show, location, time, etc. and include a link to the website or facebook.

Where you haven't been accepted yet, I wouldn't post your images, but can say you entered and include info. Then when accepted you can post again with images.
Thanks Jo. That's what I was thinking. But, to me, the Art World is like an alien land. :rolleyes: