A Professional Artist Spent 100 Hours Working On This Book Cover Image, Only To Be Accused Of Using AI


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An artist in Viet Nam was paid $ 100 to create a book cover, and spent 100 hours making it, only to be accused of using AI.

He has all the files and prep work he used to make it as proof, but was still banned from a reddit that disallows AI art.
absurd story, I'm sorry for him, after so much work being insulted sorry. it's official the Ai in the arts are an absurdity and have made absurd even those who would like them to be regulated by rules and honesty.
While I feel sorry for the guy and am on his side.... there is a certain irony about it. He is after all a digital artist so .,.. his image was created from images culled from the internet and composited digitally... just as does AI

some of his references:
It's all cheating. Digital art, using brushes, having cheap ultramarine. Why, back in the day we used dirt and rocks.

I'm not worried. My art will never be mistaken for something designed with intelligence.
It's all cheating. Digital art, using brushes, having cheap ultramarine. Why, back in the day we used dirt and rocks.

I'm not worried. My art will never be mistaken for something designed with intelligence.

You were lucky! When I first starting painting professionally, we didn't have dirt, just rocks. Dirt came years later after the rocks were broken down by nature.