A couple to get me on my feet again.


old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Aug 09/24 .. been in sick bay again but hopefully on my way out of it again. I had a small 6 x 8 study and decided to see if I could bring any sense to it. Took out four colors and let go at it. I thought I said well what the study implied so I put it on the shelf.

Still had a few puddles of paint so I decided to rub over and older landscape and see if I could inject any life into it. I was happy with the end but then again I was just happy to be back on my feet and painting again. I just took the paint and applied it liberally where I thought paint was needed. Very liberating to just be slap happy.


Hooray for you being slap happy and feeling well enough to paint again! These are both so gorgeous, Wayne! Those four colors made a beautiful palette for both the still life and the landscape. What red is responsible for the red-violets?
Thanks Queen and Donna.
Donna, I use QuinMagenta. The other colors were lemon yellow, ultramarine blue, burnt umber, and of course Titanium white.
Ah, quinacridone magenta does make beautiful red-violets. I would have guessed that is Indian yellow but I have much to learn about oils. Thanks Wayne!
These are both lovely - I always enjoy your skill in using the same palette for such different subjects. Fun! I'm glad you're feeling better.

Those flowers are exceptional. ❤️
you are welcome Donna. Indian Yellow is an expensive color and I seem to like it more for the high high lite of snow or light and I especially like it with blues as it makes beautiful dark greens that shimmer in the dark.

Thank you Terri ... color is such a drag along you can get lot of mileage out of mixing puddles and letting them intermix on the support.
Broody landscape and lovely flowers. Glad you are on your feet again. Oh the joy to be back painting again!!!
Well, that first one should get you on your feet and off and running! Gorgeous piece of work. ❤️ ❤️
Oh, my. I love the yellow flowers in the glass bowl. Wow! Wow! The landscape has great textures and deep shadows. Applause on both.