202512 and 202513


old man


Both 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted this week
I don't care for the composition on the first one, but it is well painted. Second one is lovely. ❤️
I don't care for the composition on the first one, but it is well painted. Second one is lovely.
Thank you Sno.

i think the comp is the whole of it all in the first. It's beautiful. A rolling table is a sight to be seen. Cezanne would approve.
I like how you're pushing against the usual compositions for still lifes to give us something more to think about. I'm wondering what's going on between those two groups of flowers. Are the purple flowers are trying to talk the yellow-green ones away from the ledge, or are they just saying "What's up?" I love the looseness of the second one and it's good to see another dark blue background. There's just something about that color.
I like how you're pushing against the usual compositions for still lifes to give us something more to think about.
Thank you Donna. I kind of think sometimes about Picasso saying we don’t know the song the bird is singing but still we listen. He deducted that art should be similar. Look and see instead of judging.
You're really working that new light green, I see. It's bright and looks great behind those purple flowers. The table angle is definitely exaggerated, but it suits the colors and I like it.

The second one is much more conventional in composition- beautiful palette. There's a butterfly stuck in the middle of those flowers, but she's very happy. ❤️
Thank you Bart.

Thanks Terri. It’s a fragile expression so yes, butterflies are fragile and sit well within it. 😉