Recent content by Bren

  1. Bren

    Puppy Pet Portrait

    Charming and delightful
  2. Bren

    Who makes really good erasable color pencils?

    Col-Erase by Prismacolor are about the best but dont know if they'll be bright enough for note taking.
  3. Bren

    Some of my colored pencil pieces

    Lovely works
  4. Bren

    Kettle and Mortar & Pestle

    Beautifully done I do love a still-life
  5. Bren

    Female Rufous Whistler

    Thanks ALL so very much, its heart warming to read so many comments and get feedback so take note I'm always open to comments on how to improve as that's what I strive for in each piece I do. One of you mentioned pastels, well I love them and bought many soft pastels as well as lots of pan...
  6. Bren

    Female Rufous Whistler

    do I post in coloured pencil or animal or both LOL My latest drawing continuing with my own challenge to draw as many of our local native birds as possible. This one took forever as I had to work on that SAND colour Pastelmat which meant I had to do that dreaded background which takes 10...
  7. Bren

    A section of a huge Ficus Tree

    many thanks too,, Perry & Queen Bee I so loved doing this one ☺☺☺
  8. Bren

    A section of a huge Ficus Tree

    haha, Mary you and I think alike ☺☺
  9. Bren

    A section of a huge Ficus Tree

    thanks and wonderful to be pointed to this site by my good friend Raquel
  10. Bren

    A section of a huge Ficus Tree

    Thanks Laika,Jessie, Raquel, Terri & Triduana for all your wonderful compliments, I loved doing this one even though it seemed to take forever and a day Lol 💞💞😊😊
  11. Bren

    A section of a huge Ficus Tree

    This is a drawing I completed recently from my own ref photo, I used photoshop to tinker with the values to create more colour espeially in those oranges where the sun was shining through the roots that we call trunks.. Pastelmat Board, coloured pencils mainly Faber Castell & Pablos. Size 57...
  12. Bren

    Some of my CP work

    Hi Raquel, beautiful works you've posted and thanks for telling me about this site ♥♥♥