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    • Hermes2020
      Hermes2020 reacted to Bartc's post in the thread save me from myself with Like Like.
      From my years as a pro photographer 50+ years ago, I have my Nikkormats, lenses, macro and filter and all kinds of effects outfits. I...
    • Hermes2020
      Hermes2020 reacted to Terri's post in the thread save me from myself with Like Like.
      NO! I will not save you from yourself. ;) If you honestly believe you'll pick up this sweet Mamiya system and shoot it...
    • Hermes2020
      Hermes2020 replied to the thread save me from myself.
      My very first 35mm film camera was a Nikkormat FTN body with a Nikon 50mm f1.4 lens. I bought it when I was in my twenties and at...
    • Hermes2020
      Hermes2020 replied to the thread What Are You Listening To?.
      Here is a sprightly performance of Respighi's Pini di Roma conducted by Juraj Valčuha, with whom I am not familiar, but who is now on my...
    • Hermes2020
      Hermes2020 reacted to Terri's post in the thread mini art journal with Love Love.
      I purchased this 5x5" little book over a year ago, and only recently unpacked it from the cross-country move that came next. Turns...
    • Hermes2020
      Hermes2020 replied to the thread Hello!.
      Welcome. I hope you will enjoy being here.
    • Hermes2020
      Hermes2020 reacted to stevenD's post in the thread Exploring Triple Art Pieces with Like Like.
      I'm sure you've all seen Artwork divided up into threes and I have created two different ones. The first one is more of a simplified...
    • Hermes2020
      Hermes2020 replied to the thread New project.
      Just a different version of the image, after pulling out the information that was already embedded in the pixels.
    • Hermes2020
      Hermes2020 replied to the thread the bearded one NSFW.
      I am gobsmacked by your talent. From the line work to your colour choices, they are outstanding.
    • Hermes2020
      Hermes2020 reacted to bethany's post in the thread the bearded one NSFW with Love Love.
      From last night's session. This was a very experienced model with a very cool job- a conservator at our National Art Gallery. all on...
    • Hermes2020
      Hermes2020 replied to the thread New project.
      I decided to play with it while having my early morning coffee. This is a quick attempt that may not be even close to what it looks like...
      • B1.jpg
    • Hermes2020
      Hermes2020 replied to the thread New project.
      I like the result very much. It's so interesting to follow the experimental process. As for the sharpness, it may be possible to sharpen...
    • Hermes2020
      These are so accomplished! I truly wish I had the ability to capture the poses so convincingly.
    • Hermes2020
      Hermes2020 reacted to brianvds's post in the thread Art and Humor with Haha Haha.
    • Hermes2020
      I’ve always wondered how batik work is done so I appreciate being able to watch your process, Hermes. You have a great collection of...
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