Recent content by Hermes2020

  1. Hermes2020

    save me from myself

    My very first 35mm film camera was a Nikkormat FTN body with a Nikon 50mm f1.4 lens. I bought it when I was in my twenties and at university doing a masters degree. About two years ago I converted the lens to be compatible with my Nikon D600 digital camera. This lens, which is one of Nikon's...
  2. Hermes2020

    What Are You Listening To?

    Here is a sprightly performance of Respighi's Pini di Roma conducted by Juraj Valčuha, with whom I am not familiar, but who is now on my list of conductors to investigate.
  3. Hermes2020


    Welcome. I hope you will enjoy being here.
  4. Hermes2020

    New project

    Just a different version of the image, after pulling out the information that was already embedded in the pixels.
  5. Hermes2020

    the bearded one NSFW

    I am gobsmacked by your talent. From the line work to your colour choices, they are outstanding.
  6. Hermes2020

    New project

    I decided to play with it while having my early morning coffee. This is a quick attempt that may not be even close to what it looks like in real life, but this is what I managed to get:
  7. Hermes2020

    New project

    I like the result very much. It's so interesting to follow the experimental process. As for the sharpness, it may be possible to sharpen the photo. I'll give it a bash when I take a break from dyeing tomorrow.
  8. Hermes2020

    Life drawing from the past few weeks

    These are so accomplished! I truly wish I had the ability to capture the poses so convincingly.
  9. Hermes2020

    A Batik Wall Hanging Using Vat Dyes - Part 1

    I have started a batik wall hanging project that will use some vat dyes I have collected over many years. Since I haven't seen any posts on Creative Spark that explain the technique of batik art, I will describe my steps in making this piece in detail. If anyone here would like try this...
  10. Hermes2020

    What are you up to?

    I've heard that cat psychology is very difficult to understand. I am happy to hear that yours has returned home safely.
  11. Hermes2020 problem?

    I don't have an account, but got in and did a search for an artist.
  12. Hermes2020


    I love the way you painted the feet and the shadow.
  13. Hermes2020

    last things and other things.

    Joe, your fox is beautiful. Well done! How is your nursing course going?
  14. Hermes2020

    Abstract art and imagination

    I agree, that print is beautiful.
  15. Hermes2020

    Abstract, Contemporary and Psychedelic

    These are beautiful. Psychedelic is the right word! Have you experimented with Perspex and other types of plastic objects between polarizing sheets? Another area to explore would be fluorescent objects under ultraviolet light.