Zumaia - San Sebastian


oil painter
"Alley in Zumaia", each one measures 30x40 cm (about 12x16 in), both are oil on oil paper.
These two paintings are painted a year ago in San Sebastian, Spain in a small beach village called Zumaia. I painted these from the balcony looking downwards to this narrow street. I wanted to paint city nocturne and had this view available but wasn't sure how to do a nocturne so I decided first to practice day time when I could see more what is there.
For this reason there are two paintings of the same view with different lightning. On the left hand side there is a church that was ringing it's bells very loud every hour day and night. The first two nights we weren't able to sleep at all but after that you got used to the loud bells banging in your ear. This apartment is located few meters away from the bells!
Arty, we do add the city scapes in this thread, correct? City scapes kind of are landscapes but kind of still lifes too but I think more landscapes. Of course, this is plein air so in this case fits to the category.

Snoball, thank you! This was fun to paint. The actual street continued more and more downwards in the end of alley to another even more narrow alley and turning to the right but that was invisible from the balcony. This street was hard work to climb upwards to the apartment.
Both are beautiful and I love the angles. I especially like the colors in the daytime one, but love the light bouncing in the night time one. There's no mistaking this for a European city like Spain or Italy. Wonderful work. ❤

Yes, I think this is good to post these here. I thought I had cityscapes in the description, but if you'd like, I can add it in the title of the forum too, just to make sure it's clear.
Thanks Arty! :love:
Ok, thanks: I need to see the description(s) better, didn't see it/them when posting. Please, only add 'city' to the title, if it doesn't get too crowded. But it's fine as it is also!! Don't know what others think: do they find a place for their cityscapes etc.
Katie, thank you!
Mayben, thanks! I passed by the Pyrenees also when driving to San Sebastian. Wanted to paint those mountains but didn't have time. They were gorgeous tho.