Zucchini in the Garden


oil painter
"Zucchini in the Garden", 25x35 cm, oil on Belgian linen canvas piece.

This was a plein air from summer time while watching my cat spending a day in the garden. The wood square plate is there for my cat, she likes to sit/lay down on these squares changing her watching place every now and then.
I was hesitating if to post this to plein air or still life, but I ended up to plein air because I have trouble posting the final painting. I only post the half finished picture because the finished piece turns side ways and also changes black & white even though it's ok the moment I choose to insert it by using forum's insert icon. Oh well, when I find a way I post the finished painting too.
I love your luscious greens! A nicely composed garden scene.

Your kitty platform is cute! Cats do tend to love the sun patches, don't they? :)
This is so nice! You really know how to make natural-looking greens and your work on the leaves is so good. They are so intricate and graceful hanging over the zucchini.
Very nice. I love how you took a simple subject and made it into an interesting painting. Wonderful work on the greens too.