Yellow Flowers


AA Feb1023.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Feb 10/23
Amazing! You are going to keep on until you learn to paint flowers with a knife!:giggle: 💝❤️
Thank you CaliAnn and Ayin. I think I was more pleased with the table. 😎
Well, now that you mention it, that table rocks! ;) I love how you scuffed it up, love that warm brown, and the shadow from the flowers/vase is excellent.

Sadly, your beautiful flowers are overshadowing your most excellent table. Change the title to: "Yellow Flowers in Vase on Most Excellent Old Table." There you go! ❤️
Thank you Terri.
It's alright cause every story has a main actor and the table by nature is a supporting cast member. 😅
I'll have to ask Ayin to allow a two page title to fit all that in. 🍻