WIP ... nothing coming to me yet for the title


Contributing Member
Canvas frame, 30 X 40cm. Acrylic base, oil paint-layer 1.
Not sure where we're going ... hoping it's not a road to nowhere. ( my take on some 'Talking Heads' lyrics).
Colours are more vibrant than I've been able to capture.
Well, you have me intrigued! I like your palette. Beautiful shapes, and the suggestion of trees in the background and the kneeling figure in the center.

I'll be interested in seeing where this one goes! :)
Well, you have me intrigued! I like your palette. Beautiful shapes, and the suggestion of trees in the background and the kneeling figure in the center.

I'll be interested in seeing where this one goes! :)
It was a landscape, my favourite tree on the left side. I got the composition wrong.
So interesting. The colors pop, and the shapes intrigue me to no end! :) ♥️
Thanks. I gotta say "me also". I have a love/hate relationship with my ideas when they come from nowhere I can find. My question is always: What do I do next? Then comes the watching and waiting. It was a landscape of mist coming from the trees in the morning. So, ATM, I'm pondering on timelessness/time machine on left and bush nymphs on the right.
Thanks. I gotta say "me also". I have a love/hate relationship with my ideas when they come from nowhere I can find. My question is always: What do I do next? Then comes the watching and waiting. It was a landscape of mist coming from the trees in the morning. So, ATM, I'm pondering on timelessness/time machine on left and bush nymphs on the right.
Spoken like a true poet. ;)
I haven't a hint of understanding your work process, but I know what I like, so...

I LOVE the way the tree form rises up center to the entire top of the frame where it looks like it becomes a balcony. That part is terrific.

I like what you are calling the time machine on the right- I like the way it looks wet or shiny and the shape has rung-echos to work with the balcony up top.

I like what you are calling "bush nymphs" (I think) on the right- the curves echo the tree/balcony curves and it seems they have a reflection in the time machine for even more cohesion.

The reds/chartreuse knee/ling shape (I saw frog leg at first, no lie) is intriguing and eye catching, but- and take this with a whole salt shaker's worth of salt 'cause I don't understand your work process- there's none of that red anywhere else and so it REALLY grabs the eye.

Thing is, there's no where else the red *should go*- everywhere else is strong, and cohesive; adding that red will just detract from what is there. So, I think you may need to cool that red and make it a more muted pinkish lavender- it's just very strong for all the lovely cool and echoing colours and shapes.

It isn't that I don't like the frog's leg shape or its colours, it's that, to me, it is grabbing all the attention- attention that- to me- does not rightfully belong to it.
I haven't a hint of understanding your work process, but I know what I like, so...

I LOVE the way the tree form rises up center to the entire top of the frame where it looks like it becomes a balcony. That part is terrific.

I like what you are calling the time machine on the right- I like the way it looks wet or shiny and the shape has rung-echos to work with the balcony up top.

I like what you are calling "bush nymphs" (I think) on the right- the curves echo the tree/balcony curves and it seems they have a reflection in the time machine for even more cohesion.

The reds/chartreuse knee/ling shape (I saw frog leg at first, no lie) is intriguing and eye catching, but- and take this with a whole salt shaker's worth of salt 'cause I don't understand your work process- there's none of that red anywhere else and so it REALLY grabs the eye.

Thing is, there's no where else the red *should go*- everywhere else is strong, and cohesive; adding that red will just detract from what is there. So, I think you may need to cool that red and make it a more muted pinkish lavender- it's just very strong for all the lovely cool and echoing colours and shapes.

It isn't that I don't like the frog's leg shape or its colours, it's that, to me, it is grabbing all the attention- attention that- to me- does not rightfully belong to it.
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, great detail. And. You're thinking like me ... I know what I want to change, just not what to replace them with.

The knee ... deleted some form as I tried to isolate the shape. That I think will be an easy decision.

Adding more red ... that's a real option ATM. Only silly idea at present. Maybe some dots mimicking other curves, mentally joined not physically

Other than that, nothing saying Yes do that.