Great thread; I wish I had time to
really read it in detail. I live in the mountains of SE Pennsylvania, where we have quite a variety. Any pics I have are several years old, as we get the same visitors frequently. Squirrels, chipmunks, moles, mice, white tailed deer (in abundance), possum, skunk, fox (vixen's screams are like someone being murdered) and racoon are common. A black bear was relocated several years ago, so I have not seen it for a while. Once I opened our deck door to let our late cat, Jake in, and a large bear was standing right there!
Lots of birds present, too - hawks, chickadees, finches, robins, jays, cardinals, sparrows, goldfinch, hummingbirds, grosbeak, juncos, titmice, towhee, starlings, grackel, woodpeckers (downy, hairy, red bellied, and pileated). Also the occasional oriole, catbird, cowbird, indigo bunting, and many others I cannot think of now. Last week at the range we saw some wild turkeys. At the ranges (which are in the woods) we have seen turkey vultures, fox, and black snakes. One was at least four feet long.
Our "big" wildlife news is about 3 miles from our home, on the way to downtown (another two miles). I had noticed what I postulated to be a disused hawk's nest on the way home. Turned out it was
bald eagles! Many are stopping to see it, as we drive by there frequently. When I saw them in Maine, I never would have guessed they would be practically down the street from me!