

old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. Alla Prima ... painted March 23/24
This is lovely. These muted ones have that old master vibe, because of the tones. ❤️ 🌸🌸
Oh, I am enjoying the pinks in this one! Perfect couple of dabs of blue in there, Such eye candy - I like roaming around these paintings and seeing your individual brush/knife marks. ❤️ Love it!
Thank you Sno and Terri.
This old man is into fishing these mornings so if the weather is half reasonable I will be at the lake a fishing and a wishing, for a tug on the line.
I agree - those colors are so good together, none are shouting for attention. If you have luck fishing enjoy the catch for dinner.
Thanks Donna. Had a few already. Rainbow trout out of cold water; fun to catch, pain in the butt cleaning, but so tasty.

Thanks John.
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