Why I use Alkyd Paints

It seems that they would be really useful for layering. Thanks for this.
Yes, they are. Layering, glazing, and scumbling are techniques I use extensively in my paintings. The waiting between layers would be excruciating if I used conventional oil paint.
For awhile I was using alkyds, but sometimes I wanted the paint to stay wet longer (especially mixed colors on my palette that I wanted to use the next day)... Now I use traditional oils because I have the option of either adding an alkyd like Liquin or M. Graham walnut alkyd for drying more quickly or adding nothing and having more workable paint for awhile... my understanding is alkyds can also be mixed with traditional oils- they are also really great for underpainting! I didn't realize WN had alkyd, I was using DaVinci, and didn't care for the smell though...