What were they thinking


Well-known member
So "Canvy" - an art staging app - released new (digital) rooms with walls to hang jpegs of your paintings. This one they descriptively call "young woman with long legs behind a couch" and behind a couch for good reasons she is.

Long legs? or did she get sawed in half by a magician.. ?
How could an app aimed at artists market such an anatomical abomination?
I kind of like that one of those boring applications does something unusual :giggle:

But that might be because I really dislike when artists posts pictures from these applications in art groups I'm in. Often sterile looking rooms. Art transformed to a decorations piece in some dead interior. And why use them when one wan't to show art among other artists. I just find it very annoying.
The title reminds me of the sort of descriptive titles that you often find on abstract paintings vs the titles on many figurative paintings that are stripped down to something like "Nude". to this day I remember the pretentious title of a fellow art school student: "Study in Phenomenology or Heidegger's First Dream." I am almost certain she had never read Heidegger... does anyone read Heidegger outside of those majoring in philosophy?

DeKooning once expressed surprise at that fact that most of those who wished to remove the narrative and the "literary" (ie. Clem Greenberg, Barney Newman, etc...) from art seemed unable to stop talking about art and art theory.
I kind of like that one of those boring applications does something unusual :giggle:

But that might be because I really dislike when artists posts pictures from these applications in art groups I'm in. Often sterile looking rooms. Art transformed to a decorations piece in some dead interior. And why use them when one wan't to show art among other artists. I just find it very annoying.

Without showing a painting in a setting a 4-inch x 6-inch painting appears the same as a 4-foot by 6-foot painting. This particular app has fancy rooms and "sterile" rooms. I think the sterile rooms are better for judging a painting - a fancy room can overly influence judgment. I make paintings, not art, and IMO paintings should have decorative functions as well as formal properties. By decoration, I mean that it should look pleasing in the environment in which it's displayed. Showing a painting in one environment provides a reference for how it might look in another.

Of course, the apps can and are misused - small paintings blown up out of scale, etc. And for an art group it's essential that a painting be presented alone so it can be more thoughtfully considered but having a staged version in addition can be of value.
I do think for a lot of people's art, this particular room would be pretty distracting! It would up stage the art.