What happened to this painting?


Well-known member
This had been one of my grandmothers paintings. I believe it is oil and its painted on wood.
The top part of the painting has developed wave like folds and on the lighter cloud area the folds have split open and started pealing.

I never saw this on a painting before and considering I use many of the sake techniques she did I’m just wondering what might have caused it? And how to prevent it?
I had an oil painting do something similar when it was varnished with acrylic. Someone may have been trying to protect it. Don't know how to fix it. Sorry.
If you are in a dry area, the topmost areas are drying out- possibly the wood underneath, but it doesn't look like it as much as the medium layers are what is damaged.

If it is the wood, or if you live in a regular-ish humidity area, it is likely because the wood was not prepared to accept paint AND varnish- it is not simply varnish crackling, it is paint, also, so I suspect the ground itself was not properly prepared and is trying to do what dead, previously-alive life forms do: Decay.

It looks a lovely piece; I'd be afraid to tell you how to fix the surface but you may want to contact a near-by museum which has artwork (they'll have an archivist who knows this sort of thing) or a university which has an Art degree program- the Dean of that area of study should have the necessary knowledge. I suspect you will have to very, very carefully in tiny small spaces, use some kind of medium to "melt" the topmost areas, carefully blend the repair into the rest, and then varnish the ever-loving crap out of the whole- front, back sides.

Good luck. And if you work on wood, prepare it correctly.
Fixing this one isn’t a great concern for me. I’m just more concerned about if any of my paintings may do the same.

It has a varnish covering it though I’m not sure what kind.

It could be the wood. This is the only one I have of hers that was done on wood and I don't know how it was prepared.
Fixing this one isn’t a great concern for me. I’m just more concerned about if any of my paintings may do the same.

It has a varnish covering it though I’m not sure what kind.

It could be the wood. This is the only one I have of hers that was done on wood and I don't know how it was prepared.
Get it to someone who knows about archival issues.