We probably all could use some mental therapy even if we think we don't need it...


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....and I suspect that us artist types may need it more than others. :)

I've been having some rumination/anxiety/self criticism over the latest stupid thing I've said to someone, and I just ran across this guy on YT. He's quirky and great. I don't know what his profession is but essentially he comes across as a psychotherapist. I've never seen one and probably should but he seems like one.

This is the video I saw first because it's currently how I feel about myself after the latest dumb thing I've said, but the others I have looked at are similarly wise, funny and therapeutic.

Ok, I admit it - I'm a carbon-based life form. At least I know I'm not alone!
LOL it turns out that he is a comedian and the voice is an act. Oh and it turns out that I really didn't screw up. I just blew it up out of proportion. I must be an organic life form or something.

The first four minutes of this one are pretty funny.

I like these quotes...." There are a lot of people out there smarter than you. They haven't figured it out either."

"If you climb the mountain and think you found the answer.....it's probably oxygen deprivation"

I figured he was like a stand-up the second I heard his patter. He's funny!

I've been in therapy for years by the way. I couldn't live without it. Maybe I seem pretty messed up, but you should have seen me before the therapy! :ROFLMAO:
I figured he was like a stand-up the second I heard his patter. He's funny!

I've been in therapy for years by the way. I couldn't live without it. Maybe I seem pretty messed up, but you should have seen me before the therapy! :ROFLMAO:

You don't seem messed up at all. And even the most beautiful gems have flaws if we look close enough. You're a gem. :)
I suspected that that guy was too good to be true 😂 This one, with its absurdist vibe, reeled me into his orbit. Doesn't surprise me at all that he's a philosopher :)

And yup, I've been doing a little talk therapy lately (and have done before). I was relieved of my depression through repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) last year, but I'm I'm still living in the wake of decades of depression and hypomania, so talking is helping me re-orient to life as an old man without depression. And in keeping with Rodney Norman, I'm realizing that I am much more stoopid than I care to admit (or dared admit as a younger man). I'm finding my stupidity very liberating.
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Stupidity is very liberating. I can speak for that.

My therapist does a lot of DBT, which does me wonders. It's incorporated along with lots of other parts work therapy and other stuff we do. It's all very helpful.
I'm not in therapy, but I'm fairly well stoopid, got the certificate on the wall. This guy, Rodney Norman on Dry Bar Comedy, is hilarious. I check into Dry Bar Comedy almost every night looking for people like him. Thanks!