Watching Paint Dry


Supporting Member
Poking around old buildings, I find things like this. What the Japanese call wabi-sabi, imperfection, transience and decay.
Digital, Nikon D5200. C&C welcome.

Old buildings offer many interesting things to the photographer's eye. For other people such things remain with no interest, unless the lens brings them out!
I have the same camera, but not even close to get a photo like this :)
Thanks, it's in our awareness of what we're looking at. :) We're all training ourselves to see, whether its for photos or plein air painting. I have smaller cheaper cameras I could have used and got similar results, I just happened to have this one.
Old buildings offer many interesting things to the photographer's eye. For other people such things remain with no interest, unless the lens brings them out!
Right :) This picture was taken in an old small city, Plattsburgh, near me in upstate New York. Established in the late 18th century, lots of old brick buildings in various stages of decay and renovation. I have other pictures of nasty looking alley-ways and such that I'll get around to.